Wanting visibility. Resisting visibility.

Aug 17, 2023

What is it about a stage and a microphone? It’s so compelling for a Woman, and so confronting at the same time. It’s a space that demands our power and grants us permission to be the center of attention.

Women want it, but we also don’t want it. It’s a refrain I hear repeatedly in my Sisterhood groups:

‘Look at me! Don’t look at me!’ ‘Listen to me! But not too closely!’ ‘I have something to say! But I’m sorry for taking up so much space!’

The push-and-pull is dizzying...

On the stage, in the archetypal or literal role of ‘rockstar,’ a woman has full permission to be gorgeous, radiant, powerful, sexy, enthralling, compelling…

Full permission to express her deepest passionate feelings – her joy, her sensuality, and even her grief and her rage.

In this role, we are celebrated to the extent that we can command the stage, take up space, and show the audience a good time.


Let's get connected!

Depending on the season and what's going on in the world, I create free workshops, fundraisers, and / or Sisterhood gatherings. Sometimes I'm gearing up for Rockstar Camp enrollment which sells out quickly.

Sometimes I just have updates or feel the impulse to write to you and check in.

The very best way for us to stay connected is by subscribing below.


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