Being an entrepreneur is difficult, stressful, and wildly uncomfortable.

Jul 21, 2023

I'm telling you this truth to encourage you.

I'm telling you this because I know there are days where you find yourself scrolling through videos of other Women who present an image of polished perfection, and an effortlessly endless wait list while they vacation in Europe.

You will start to believe that there is something wrong with you.

You will start to believe that it's easy for everyone else but you.

This is false.

That Woman is on vacation with a full roster of paying clients because she showed up again and again and again.

She organized meetings, made tough decisions, and committed many many hours, weeks, months, and years of physical, mental, and emotional labor.

She has made mistakes, lost money, botched presentations, and missed opportunities.

I know this because these Women are my friends and colleagues.

I know this because I am this Woman.

Celebrate her and also know that she didn’t get there with just a Wish and a Vision Board.

Celebrate her and also know that there are days when she wants to give up. (I promise you she has these days.)

Celebrate her and know that her posts, her offers and her website are only part of the full story.

There are seasons of ease and flow in her work AND there are seasons when she is tired, stressing about leads and revenue, dealing with unhappy clients, and overwhelmed by all of it.

Is it very often deeply gratifying, surprising, delightful and fun to run your own business?

Fuck yes!

Do I think it’s worth it?

For me it's a yes.

I also think it’s a huge disservice - and a lie – to every Woman who is starting the Entrepreneurial journey to present a story or a promise that it will be flowing, easy, and abundant all the time.

Not to mention how it dismisses the hard work that so many Women are doing to create and lead something new in the world and do it on her own terms.

If you expect it to be easy every day, you will consider giving up when it gets hard.

And we can't afford that.

We need you out here.

Keep going.

Let's get connected!

Depending on the season and what's going on in the world, I create free workshops, fundraisers, and / or Sisterhood gatherings. Sometimes I'm gearing up for Rockstar Camp enrollment which sells out quickly.

Sometimes I just have updates or feel the impulse to write to you and check in.

The very best way for us to stay connected is by subscribing below.


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