There are many Coaches and Coaching programs that imply (or outright promise) that if you can just be Confident all the time as an Entrepreneur, everything will be easy peasy breezy...
Maybe that's true?
But since being Confident all the time isn't a thing, it's really not a useful goal.
When you are a leader who's in the arena and doing the work - there will be MANY moments and experiences and seasons where your Confidence is shaken to the core.
Every seasoned Leader eventually gets this.
Shaky ground and questioning everything is just a part of the job.
It sucks but it doesn't stop us from showing up.
And again.
The danger for newer Entrepreneurs is expecting (or believing the false promise) that there is actually a path that will lead you to easy and flowing bliss at all times.
If you believe this, you will very likely want to give up when it gets hard.
You will hold back until you feel confident enough to say the thing, do the thing, write the thing, offer the thing.
And we can't afford that.
We need you out here.
Go for training that gives ability to center yourself, believe in yourself, and approve of yourself quickly WHEN things get shaky SO THAT you can keep going.
When you have this knowledge - you are unstoppable.
Depending on the season and what's going on in the world, I create free workshops, fundraisers, and / or Sisterhood gatherings. Sometimes I'm gearing up for Rockstar Camp enrollment which sells out quickly.
Sometimes I just have updates or feel the impulse to write to you and check in.
The very best way for us to stay connected is by subscribing below.
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